Originally Posted by SPOHN
That car is so fast. Sharif looks like a master through the esses. What top speeds are you hitting, especially after turn 8?
117mph (data acquisition numbers) at the bottom of the esses. The little trick to being fast down the esses's us to use the left side curbing as the setup to 5. Notice how I drive right through that curb, while the Viper drove around it. I gobbled up another couple car lengths with that move. I am surprised more people don't do it, as it doesn't upset the chassis at all since it's the unloaded side and also gives you a much better braking side lane and setup for 5.
Max speed at 164mph on the back straight before braking for 10A. Turn in for 9 is around 155mph...initiating a turn at 155mph is always a butt puckering moment.
All of these speeds vary by ambient temp. Sometimes higher, when it's cooler outside, and lower when it's hotter. Unlike a dyno, there are no correction factors for ambient conditions, as it relates to laptimes.
FYI: the 370Z TT is still in setup mode, so no full laptimes yet, in anger. Getting closer!