Originally Posted by sonic370
well since everyone's telling there age i'm 56 and love the car. this is my second.
go test drive em you want regret it. the sports package is worth every penny.
iv'e always had leather but really don't miss it that much. i use mine as a daily
driver and never tire of pushing in that little start button.
Well, my calendar is free tomorrow (if I can get this job outta here today), and I do believe I'm going to head up to Minneapolis and do some test driving.
When I think about this, I alternately feel like throwing up or soiling myself.
Today, I even went online looking for car covers and seat covers for what will, if I pull the trigger, undoubtedly become my new obsession. My pooch will NOT tolerate staying home.
Where are my TUMs?
Thanks, guys and gals, for your support and encouragement.