Ok as everyone knows, the Zele body kit is rediculously expensive!

No one in their right mind would spend the money on that thing. Don't get me wrong, it's an awesome kit, but the price is just down right stupid! Anyway, now that I'm done ranting about that, I have found that Accolade makes the Z-Speed kit for the Z and is the exact same kit as the Zele. Or did Accolade make the Zele kit and they are 1 in the same? I have known a lot of people to have mixed reviews about Accolade and their fitment though. Does anyone know anything about this kit? I have emailed them for pricing but they still haven't gotten back to me. I can't post pics from work but here's the site.
Nissan 370z ZSPEED Body Kit* ACCOLADE
I'll post pics later this evening when I get home.