Man I am sorry to hear this.
Off topic I have visited your country and I must say the US is a total different place when it comes to business. Alot of people here from the US will wonder why you would have done something like that such as giving full money or having so much trust in someone. So I will explain, on your behalf. In Bahrain when it comes to business there really isn't shady deals of things like this. They are true hearted business people when it comes to delivering a product. Also theft is extremely low due to such serious penalties for your action, example being getting your hand cut off. I know someone who left a solid gold bar in the back of a taxi cab. He realized 6 hours later that he left it there and called the cab guy back. Sure enough the cab guy came and picked him up and took him to a police station where he dropped it off. Well the cab driver was unaware this was in his car till a customer handed it to him. So who knows how many people seen that bar there and left it alone till the person asked the cab driver about it. Still till this day that story amazes me because if it was here in the US you would never would have seen it again.
I am extremely sorry to hear about this but at this point I think you will see alot of people here believe that you are being taken for a ride on this situation. I would advise what others have and that is getting on a plane and visiting the dealership. If no grounds are met then you need to contact a lawyer for your legal options