Originally Posted by ARFCOM
So obviously you leave your house unlocked for fear of having a burglar kicking in the doors or busting a window to get in?
You must also leave your car doors unlocked (not to mention the garage that you keep them in) and windows down too?
How are any of those ignorant behaviors similar to not believing in wheel locks? My argument was perfectly valid. I'd rather have my wheels nicked with my car relatively unscathed than my entire car trashed by a vengeful thief. That's what $50 comprehensive deductibles are for anyway.

Wheels can be replaced, but a completely trashed car will never be "like new" again.
By your argument, I'd be taking the wheels off the car each time I park it and leaving them next to it for somebody to steal. That is an open door for a thief, simply not having pointless, easily circumvented wheel locks is not.