Originally Posted by DarinFred
I've been in Germany for about 2 weeks...stationed down at Spangdahlem AB. My Monterrey Blue 370Z is on a boat somewhere...should be here within 2 weeks. When you test drive next week, can you take a picture or at least look closely at the front license plate bracket and how its installed? I need to get one and I think the best way is probably get one through the Nissan dealership in Frankfurt. Thanks!
PS Gonna stick out like a sore thumb with a bright blue 370Z!
no need to go to a dealer. If you have a US spec like me you can just get a regular bracket like this for the front:
I am stationed at Ramstein. We need to start a thread to have a meet. I know about 6 months ago they tried. Now I think more people will have the 370 in Germany. The KMCC is a good central location. If locals want to join we can meet at that huge park platz before the west gate.