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Old 08-11-2010, 11:07 AM   #84 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ole Rusty View Post
You boys make me laugh. I dreamed of winning the car, too. I would have gladly travelled the 40 miles to Nashville to pick up the car. NAKED and dancing the whole way, if need be. But I'd like to ask all of you who are so furious about someone winning something he doesn't really want if you've ever applied to win something you didn't really want or need to win? I'm not saying that I wouldn't have LOVED to see a Z guy win the car, but it didn't go to me or you or someone else that lives on this site. It went to a guy who is more interested in a happy home than the ULTIMATE $40k fun car.

I'm still driving a Mustang because I can't bring myself to skin the money out of my wallet, but I've been lingering on this site and fantasizing about driving a Z for a long time. I don't buy one, not because I can't afford it, but because I want to spend my money on more important things-like my family. I left the Mustang sites because of the childish arguments like this one and it makes me sad to see so many 'mature' people doing the same thing here.

The OP needs to ignore the childishness and go on with the sale if he can find a buyer somewhere. For the rest of you, go ahead 'flame on', but realize that it's ridiculous to live such an angry lives while hiding behind screen names. None of you would say this to your mother if she'd applied and won!
Is there childishness going on here? Yeah...but if it's on one side it's on both and it's the OP, his attitude and the way he has presented himself that is the real problem.

I can't speak for everyone but no, I don't enter contests if I have no desire to win what is being offered. I also don't know that the OP did that but if he did them double-shame on him.

I think most of us here can understand that situations change...that he may have entered the contest with the best of intentions and as desirous of the NISMO ans any of us here would be and that maybe after some thought and talking with his wife they decided that keeping the car wasn't the smart thing for him/his family to do. IF that's what happened and if had he actually presented himself and the situation that way I suspect most people would have been much more forgiving. However, that isn't what he did.

If you look at his very first post, it's pretty obvious that he joined only to announce to us all that he won the car...talked about how happy and excited he as to have won and would be in Nashville at ZCON to pick it far so good but then within the span of few days, claimed his wife wouldn't let him keep it because it wasn't a family car and made vague references to need the money for business, etc., etc.

Now just think for a minute...what kind of people generally frequent a site like this? I don't know the actual demographics but I'd be willing to bet real money that most of the folks here are younger males (early to maybe late 20s), many of which probably aren't married, who generally aren't the kind of guys who feel that a wife, if they have one, should have that much control in a marriage that she just gets to decide what kind of car the husband can or can't have (remember, there was no presentation that this had been a mutually, rationally discussed issue and decision) and even if they did think the wife should have that much control wouldn't be stupid enough to say so in a forum dripping with testosterone.

This IS, after all, a forum for 370Z aficionados - I'm sure I'm not the only one who wonders why he even came back to the forum once it was decided that the car had to go...what kind of reception did this guy really expect? And what gives him the right to get snooty because we don't jump on his offer to sell his free NISMO?

Let's also not forget that he didn't even follow the posting rules to post his car for sale (not to mention the wholly unreasonable price he is asking once he gout around to actually stating a price).

It seems the only reason he is even here now is because he apparently thinks that "Z" guys are going to pay his unreasonable asking price for his NISMO...if he wants (or his wife demands) that he unload the car then he needs to put the car on eBay or sell it to a dealer and be happy with his windfall...not berate us because we aren't falling all over ourselves to buy his car.

Bottom line is, he could have avoided ALL OF THE anger and angst had he just approached the forum differently.
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Last edited by Robert_Nash; 08-11-2010 at 11:11 AM.
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