Yup, I was driving to NewYork yesterday. This SUV cut in front of me real quick (NY Drivers

). In the process, he successfully sent a big rock straight to my windshield (passenger side). Great birthday present if you ask me

. Take a look:
It's size of a penny (or the nissan logo on your fob). It's def repairable but according to some replies (in OG Conf. Room in
Premium section last night), I am better off changing the whole windshield. I'm VERY sensitive about the look and if it will be noticeable there's no point of repairing it.
TO REPAIR: $125 (FREE offered by ins company)
To REPLACE: $582 (GLASS) + $150 (LABOR)
Unfortunately, I have to pay out of pocket for both. For repair, I don't really want to use my ins (though it's FREE) because I'm allowed 1 of these(comp repair?) every 3 years. If my next one is even bigger (or I have a bigger issue that I need to claim), I'm SOL. So, for $125, I rather just pay out of pocket. If I were to change the whole windshield, my deductible is $500. So I rather just pay extra 200 and not go through all those paper work from Ins company.
What you guys think? I'm leaning toward whole replacement but repairing it seems like a cheap alternative. Anyone here had their windshield repair? Any before or after picture so that I can compare?
Thanks in advance.