Originally Posted by westpak@HPLogic
You are right Zcon was not 2 times bigger than Zdayz only 1.6 times, my bad just almost 300 people more
I would not call Zdays a 3 day event either by your logic, the first day is just the dinner, the airstrip event is not one attended by the masses and organized by Forged. And not much else to coordinate either, no autox, no real track event, not dinner in nearby downtown, and just vendors throw beer parties, the rest is just unleashing people on public roads.
I also do like the fact that the Z convention has stayed true to a Z event not like Zdayz which is really a Z/G event
I guess we can agree to disagree, I had a hell of a time and will go next year again even if same issues came up.
Z/G event? I guess that's true of course but so what??? I didn't do an exact count but I was a judge at this year's ZDayZ car show and I think there were less than 10 G's there for the event (registered or otherwise) and somewhere in the neighborhood of 400+ cars total so the non-"Z" part of the event is not what I'd call significant. Also, maybe you didn't notice all the "non-Z" vehicles at ZCON this year as there were quite a few.
I actually didn't say anything about how many days ZDayZ runs
I mentioned the number of days for ZCON because I generally throw out the "arrival day" of any event I attend since nothing much happens except getting there (which is pretty much what happened at ZCON this year).
How many cars/people did Cleveland have in ''08...I heard some incredibly low numbers (like 40 cars for the car show)...how many did San Antonio have?
From what I know of recent convention history, this year was not "normal" in terms of recent attendance figures so throwing them around saying the convention is
so much bigger than "ZdayZ" or so much bigger than some other event seems a bit foolish and at not very helpful.
As far as next year goes, I'll likely go but I doubt I'll register as I see little benefit in doing so...as the saying goes, fool me once, shame on you...fool me twice, shame on me!