08-09-2010, 12:27 PM
#25 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Robert_Nash
NOW; What Went Wrong...
It is not my intent, with the below comments, to in any way disparage the overall event or the very, very hard work that I know went into it. I truly hope that these observations will lead to even better conventions in the future.
REGISTRATION: Anybody who had preregistered should have had ALL materials prepared and put into their bags and there should have been at least one totally separate line for those who had preregistered for at least the heavy days then combine/reduce lines if the flow of people allowed it. I know the cash flow is very important but one of the benefits of people preregistering in the first place is so that you CAN have all the registration materials, goodies, badges, etc done ahead of time.
I know attendance was large but the organizer should have had at least some idea of how many people might walk up and register on site and even if they didn't; people who wait to register on arrival ought to be expecting/prepared to wait in line. In total and without any exaggeration, I waited in line over TWO hours to get my materials...I was registration no. 58! To me, that kind of screw-up is inexcusable.
TROPHIES: The biggest single event at the convention IS the car show...why do people enter a car show? To hopefully WIN and get a trophy of some kine and a little recognition from their fellow Z owners. I realize that whatever trophy company they used bears some of the blame but I don't understand how they weren't on top of this days if not weeks before the event...it's reasonable to assume that whoever was supposed to ride herd on getting the trophies ordered, proofed and delivered screwed the pooch on this.
Unlike the Peoples' choice people, at least the judged show entrants found out if they won but winning and not getting the trophy at the banquet is a BIG PROBLEM - this one may not be inexcusable but it's close.
PEOPLE'S CHOICE CAR SHOW: There was more than one problem with the people's choice part of the event. Firs of all, the classes should have been staged together...expecting people to walk all over the grounds and try to remember which 2nd gen or 4th car was the best is pretty ridiculous given the number of vehicles involved. Likewise, putting stock and modified into the same categories is also a mistake...there is nothing fair about putting a totally original 350Z up against a 350 that someone has spent $50K on in modifications.
Again, people put their car in a show to hopefully win something and many people only go to an "AWARD'S BANQUET" to get an award (they sure as hell don't go for the cuisine). Not having trophies for winners is bad enough; not having the results is truly inexcusable.
Based on what I have been told, part of the problem with having results was with the new electronic system they had this year but I have to wonder, was this new system before the Saturday car show? If not, why not?
In any case, the people's choice ballots were PAPER BALLOTS - whatever the problem with the new system, the paper ballots could have been counted manually - someone should have realized that they had a problem at which point they should have grabbed volunteers, as many as necessary, to COUNT THE BALLOTS!
Again, overall, a great convention and a great time but the above absolutely needs to be addressed
And this my friends is why Bryan Settle - CEO ZDAYZ - is the fargin MAN! I mean sure, there is always some unforeseen issue that may disrupt a scheduled sub-event, but lack of preps is, as the OP expressed, INEXCUSABLE! I could only afford to go to one major event this year (daughter got married in June) but if I would have traveled as far a Nashville to see as many fails as described here, I too would feel like the promoters should have been on their game and would consider scratching it off the list for next year.. I heard the heat was relentless. That should have been the only down side to a CORPORATE SPONSORED EVENT HELD ON THE PROPERTY!