Purchase Day: 6-5-2010
I purchased the car used from CarMax with 6,000 miles on the vehicle. Couldn't be happier with my purchase decision.
First thing I did to the car was change out the interior, cargo, and rear license plate lights with an LED kit from a forum vendor. I also went ahead and got rid of the egg yolk rear taillight look by installing some stealth turn signals.
I also purchased some LEDs for the reverse lights so they matched all the other lighting on the vehicle.
Purchased an Escort Passport radar and the stationary Z mount. I hardwired the radar and placed the remote mute button on one of the button blanks near the cup holder. I love this mod, 100% useful.
20% tint installed on all 5 windows
Installed my GTR start button - another one of those small mods that makes a huge difference.
I couldn't stand the OEM headlights any longer and went ahead and blackhoused mine. I've done several sets in the past, so I wasn't very intimidated on this project and I think it came out well.

Went with semi-flat black on the housing. Sprayed "chrome" spray paint on the shrouds just to give the silver a tiny shine. I used VHT niteshades on the amber swoosh also.
Got my custom plates for the car. (seen below)
Installed the retractable front plate (Show-N-Go) in the grill area. Also posted up a
DIY for this install.

^ click for video
Installed Shine Auto Rear Add ons, Blue batmobile rear overlay, Rear fog light, and a Fairlady Z badge

Lovin the rear end of the car