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Old 08-06-2010, 11:40 PM   #1 (permalink)
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jipperson is on a distinguished road
Default Good price on 09 370z?

So, I've found an 09 370z coupe automatic, brand new, black on black, touring + sports for 33 grand. I was wondering if this seems like a good price. Any noticeable differences between 09/10? If I decide to bite on it I do not want to insult them with too low a number.

They are also quoting a finance rate of 6.9 which just seems high to me, I'm 25 with a credit score in the 780 range. I know there are tons of factors but what is a good apr?

This will be my first car purchase. I've owned a hand me down blazer for years and bought a motorcycle (only $3200) so this is a fairly large purchase and I wanna get the best deal I can. This car is borderline with what I'm comfortable paying monthly for a car anyway ($500).
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