Originally Posted by MB370Z

No need to be harsh. OP has a valid argument &
negative comments are against forum rules.
Sometimes it can't be helped. Most of us have been in situations where slamming the brakes at a yellow would likely cause an accident. Also realize that those cameras are not 100% accurate. I'm not saying he should intentionally run red lights, on the contrary. It just seems like the cameras are set up/timed to catch you off gaurd. Sometimes they shorten the transition time between yellow & red to yield more tickets.
Just playing devils advocate, but if running a red light at these intersections are really so dangerous to the public. Why is the fine only $50 and no points. If the local government wanted to stop this from happening, shouldn't the fine be $1,000 and up.
I personaly think they are usefull, but it really depends on the location. It's sad, but they usally look for a spot that creates the most revenue (heavy, but slow traffic areas) instead of the most dangerous.
OP don't bother with covers & sprays. It's more trouble than it's worth.