Originally Posted by Dembflyr
I guess its time for a little backpedaling. I made my decision last night before canceling my order with Berk. I called them today to do just that. I was told that the pipes are in and they are going to start shipping tomorrow.
Now I know that they could be pulling my leg but I am giving them til Friday to ship mine since I am near the bottom of the list.
I said that they had lost me..... well they will lose me after Friday. No really, I mean it this time.
I cant believe how damn wishy-washy I have been about this whole thing. I usually make a decision and stick with it.
Now I know some of you are gonna rip me for this but hear me out.
There are two big reasons why I am giving them a few more days.
1. Either exhaust probably wouldn't show up until next week at the earliest and I am out of town all next week. So I wouldn't be able to install it next week anyway.
2. I guess that deep down I know that the Berk is my first choice.
I want to thank everyone who gave me advice in this thread.
Stay tuned for another episode of "As the cat-back turns". 
Wow!!! What a coincidence...you called to cancel and the pipes are in....Hmmm....Why didn't anyone from Berk get on here and post that update...Geeeez....Was going through this thread and was freaked at your decision, but then read this above update....You give good reasons, but bottom line Dem is that its your car and your $$$ that your spending ont this part...I know that a lot of guys here think we are all crazy for waiting this long for Berk, but I really hope that they are true to their word and that they pull through with their recent update...If not, then they will lose you forever as well as potential customers...
If the update from Berk is good then BLAST THE MUSIC AND LETS.....