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Old 08-01-2010, 12:13 AM   #1 (permalink)
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chii370 is a splendid one to beholdchii370 is a splendid one to beholdchii370 is a splendid one to beholdchii370 is a splendid one to beholdchii370 is a splendid one to beholdchii370 is a splendid one to beholdchii370 is a splendid one to behold
Default out with limiters!

Has anyone came up with a way to turn off this cars limiters that don't cost 550+ dollars from the get go? I personally believe that if you sell a sports car like this that anyone that even speaks the word "limiter" in the development phase should be immediately executed on the spot that being said there are only 2 on the car that concern me, i couldnt care less about the rev limiter as it actually aids against stupid people blowing up the engine. But the top speed limiter (155mph) and the WOT control (wide open throttle/0-60 acceleration limiter) are a complete waste on a genuine sports car.....

I can understand maybe putting these on the base or touring models, but i have a nismo for Christs sake!! lol thats like going to Iraq, getting an M16 handed to you and saying "you know what? i only want 5 rounds in each of my clips" then proceeding to take out the other 25 in each clip and throw them away.

If anyone knows or has particular skill in reprogramming these cars w/o the aid of a crazy fat wallet it would be most helpful..... and im sure im not the only one frustrated with it :P
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