Hello all, I just wanted to thow out a quick introduction. I will be buying a 370Z shortly, I just want to give the new job a few months before jumping into a new vehicle. Aside from that work is so crazy I'll have no time to enjoy it anyway. (Opening a casino is rough)
I'll be looking for a base with sport, any color but white. If anyone knows of a good dealership in the Easton PA area let me know. I'm thinking Kelly Nissan so if anyone has any opinions of them please share.
I'm an ex Pontiac guy, who is done with GM (government cars FTL). So I'm mostly here to learn, I've been reading the forums for a while now. I feel this is the better of the Nissan/370Z forums I've seen, so I'm making this my new home.
Sorry if this was a bit incoherent, posting from my G1.