Originally Posted by RCZ
No worries man, thanks for the apology, you went above and beyond haha. Best of luck with the build, hopefully the car is back on the road quickly.
Thanks and I hope so to. i really miss driving it and i grow more anxious every day.
Originally Posted by JB-370z
Toner: I hope to see the car running soon man! Trust me, it is going to be worth the wait buddy!  
Me to. I hope it's worth it since I spent a boat load of cash to do this. If it doesn't have the appeal I am putting a for sale sign on it LOL
Originally Posted by LateralG'z
Get ur done!
Lat if i give you the shops number will you call and yell at them to get it done lol. What sucks is it already would have been done if the military didn't put me on this 24 hour stand by, but O well. I have zero patience, I am the type of person that when i want something I want it now lol
Thanks for all your support everyone, it is greatly appreciated