Originally Posted by wifedrivenZ
You have a valid point with what you are saying about how much it cost. But why do you want to modify your car? Are you a guy who likes to take his car to shows? Or do you want to have the speed just in case you need it? The reason I tune my car is for the sense of accomplishment. I took something that should not be the fastest car on the road and now very few cars can touch it. If you are on a very strict budget then I say a supercharger is the best mod for the money. 6-7K tops and you will have over 400HP to the wheels. That is not so bad for the money. If you take 6500 and divide it by 130HP that is only $50 per HP. That is not a bad when you think about it. Best of luck to you 
I think the 370 & Nismo have sufficient power for road courses. What they need are better brakes and an OIL COOLER.