Originally Posted by Tronchaser
I concur! The sports package looks seckZ!
Ironically, user Secks Z drives a base model. lol
Here's a pitch for base model w/o sport. That's what I have. I plan on modifying the car. New seats, mebbe new wheels, custom upholstery, the whole 9. Sport is great for the LSD, better brakes, and SRM. Looks are subjective, but the sport is generally agreed a better looking car. But I like the base model. I'm not tracking my beast, so I don't really
need LSD, better brakes... The aesthetic upgrades are all things I can replace aftermarket. And I found SRM disruptive to my driving style. As for touring, the leather is cool, but I'm doing one-off. I don't care about having a better stereo, as I'm planning to replace it eventually. Seat heaters would have been nice... I won't pay for Nav. Just personal opinion obv.
All that said, the real reason I chose base is that it's hella cheap.