Free Carbon Fiber Door Sills.
For one member who can bring your 370Z to us for a couple of times.
(or maybe once here and we can go to you next time)
But you must have this radio. We need to pattern the surface for our next kit.
Currently carry this one with Navigation, and 09 base model radio patterned.
Don't they look lovely? This can be yours at no charge. Just let us install it and take some pictures.
Once again, here are the requirements.
-Member's Z should have the radio pictured above. (Without navigation)
-Member who can come to us at 9am
or 4:00pm Mon-Thurs least once. (I expect about an hour or less of work first day)
-We may come to you for the second day, but please no farther than 30min from the Pearson Airport area. It will take less time than the first day. (test fitting and adjustment if required)
-Your 370Z should be clean (in and out for photo shoot and installation) - hey you got a 370, it should be clean all the time
- When you come, we will install the door sill kit and take photos for our website use.
So, please let me know if you are able to help us.
Thank you!!!!