Originally Posted by TamZ
I actually don't blame your wife. As I was sitting there in the MIDDLE OF NOWHERE..with my 14 year old daughter, in the blazing heat, hoping I wasn't going to blow up my car...I can understand why she'd be afraid. We were fine..but still. Frustrating. I was definitely NOT pushing the car in any way--I had my daughter with me!
When the oil temp issue first arose I explained on this forum that my motivations for being concerned about this issue were not the motivations that others share—your case is the exact case in point for my motivation. My wife just read this thread and she is mad as hell. Personally, I believe she has every right to be as I believe Nissan is hedging its bet on a very small calculated probability that this will happen which Nissan deems acceptable.
P.S. I have considered signing my wife up here as a premium member, but I am sure after a few posts AK would kick her off the forum. (She doesn't have a problem, "telling it like it is.")