Originally Posted by SoCal 370Z
Would you mind highlighting this road stretch on a Google map? This is the very reason my wife will not drive our 370Z on a long trip into the high, heated elevations. She does not trust it in weather with high heat.
I will see if I can get my daughter to help me out with the google map thing. But I was about 20 minutes past Baker on the 15. And the only time they went below 220 after that was when I was going downhill, going across state line.
I am going to take it in to Nissan this week to get the oil changed, it's about 2500 miles since my last oil change but wanted to get it changed after this and talk to them at service.
I actually don't blame your wife. As I was sitting there in the MIDDLE OF NOWHERE..with my 14 year old daughter, in the blazing heat, hoping I wasn't going to blow up my car...I can understand why she'd be afraid. We were fine..but still. Frustrating. I was definitely NOT pushing the car in any way--I had my daughter with me!