Driving on the winter is not bad as long as you have the dedicated winter setup. However, you're restricted upto 4" (max) unplowed snow. You can't tackle anything more. Your front chin/bumper will scrape on snow. I don't have an option to buy another beater (as i'm a paranoid kinda guy. I hate being stranded on a road. My reliable beater will cost me about 10-12,000 dollars because anything less, I feel the car won't be reliable. So I just drive the Z all year long

Here's my setup:
My Winter Rims/Tires Setup: TRMotorsport C2 + Blizzak LM-25 w/TPMS w/pics (AK370Z)
My winter driving thread:
Snow driving experience with my 370z (AK370Z)(w/blizzaks TR Motorsport C2 ) w/video
As long as you know how to drive on snow and have been driving RWD for a whilte, I don't see a problem. But if you're new to RWD platform, you must take it easy and learn how the car reacts. Also, do not drive your WIDE 19" OEM rims with summer tires on snow. You won't go far
