im not the smartest man
but ive been doing research on how rear diffusers actually create downforce
and it seems to me that the diffusers offered for our vehicles are purely cosmetic
based on what i read
the diffuser creates negative pressure in the rear of the car because the volume of air coming into the diffuser is bigger than the volume entering the the front of vehicle
"This negative pressure accelerates the air under the car which puts the whole underside of the car under negative air pressure. This creates a vacuum effect under the car which sucks it into the ground and creates down force".
now the problem i seem to have is
1) in order to achieve this negative pressure the car has to be as low to the ground as possible
2) seems to me that functional diffusers actually start at the front of the rear tire
now correct if im wrong but the carbon diffuser we bolt on to the z34 jus dont seem functional

which makes me sad cuz i really wanted one
but im really opposed to cosmetic features which serve no purpose.
the air has to start hitting the diffuser from practically mid vehicle
now lotus seems to be the actual inventor of the rear diffuser and it appears this is how it functions to produce that 30% extra downforce capable by such
now if anyone can prove me wrong by all means do so
id love to have an excuse to buy this thing