Originally Posted by spearfish25
I live in Chicago and drove my Z the entire winter...blizzards included. Get yourself a good set of snow tires and you'll be all set. The Z with Blizzaks is better than any car I've had before on all-seasons. That includes two Audis with quattro and a LandRover Defender.
As for the concerns about salt, the Z holds up very well in that respect too. I made a point of keeping a yard weed sprayer filled with fresh water in my parking space. If it was wet out or particularly salty, I'd spray down the undercarriage and body. Putting it on a lift this summer, my local tuning shop was dumb-founded with how pristine the undercarriage looks. No rust/corrosion.
So, ignore all the 'you can't drive a Z in the winter' posts that are and will be made by people who haven't ever driven a Z in snow. The facts listed above are firsthand.
I was originally going to put some snow tires on but because of the route i drive I its really not worth it to drive the car in the winter. Up here in Boston last year we had a handful of storms that dropped 6+ inches and every road, highway, etc was awful. I consider myself a good driver, but there are others out there that have no idea what they are doing when bad weather hits. The Z will be in the garage all winter.