Originally Posted by Jeffblue
the wheel is actually +15 but need to clear the rear caliper with a 10mm spacer. I'm a bit confused tho. some people say that lowering the car on springs will actually help to tuck the wheels in more, other say it will cause rubbing.
Lowering helps but also can hinder your clearance... this is where your tire size and actual tire widths come into play. The offset game is not an easy one and many people do not understand it at all. I have been doing this for years and I still find myself learning new stuff every day.
If your rim is very wide your tire will actually stretch making the tire appear as so / \ if the tire is too fat it will look like this ( ). Lowering helps when your tires look like / \ but if your tires look like ( ) then you either need to get wider rims, thinner tires, different tire brand, pull the fender or get suspension parts to help you gain more adjustability.