Would you like to see Tomei make a titanium exhaust for the 370z?
Hi guys and gals,
Vivid Racing deals direct with Tomei and I talk to them all the time about exhausts and what cars they are marketing to. They released a titanium exhaust for the evo X with great success. They hope to do so with the evo 8/9. I asked about the 350 and 370 but Tomei said they don't know because they believe it will not sell. I would like to see if that is true. There is a prototype for the 350z that has leaked, we were supposed to get all the information but some of it has come out already. I want to know if the 370z community will want this exhaust and it is pretty much up to all of you if the exhaust ever comes out. This thread will be watched by me and Tomei to see its progress. Sooooo... Would you like to see Tomei make a titanium exhaust for the 370z?

Rocky @ Vivid ♦ 480.966.3040 x236 ♦ Rocky@vividracing.com
Email, PM, or call me directly for aggressive The370Z.com member pricing!!!
Last edited by vividracing; 07-21-2010 at 11:31 AM.