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Old 07-20-2010, 06:25 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Zuppy51 View Post
FYI- Check out the Alpine, it's actually a very decent product.
Food for thought.

I don't mean to flame Pioneer, just wanted to give you a update on what I just went through. Perhaps you can learn from my mistake.

I know a lot of guys buy this stuff online sight unseen. The problems you can encounter with a dbl din nav headunit can warrant having to return it. Make sure you have a return policy. As these units are not that stable.

**Note, this is the third Pioneer I've had over the last 6 years, Avic N1, Z2, and now the z120BT...
I really like the way they sound and normally they are really, really good. Not sure what the deal is here. The shop where I purchased it actually warned me, they suggested Kenwood and Alpine, based on other customer issues, but being a Pioneer diehard, and really liking the interface, I decided to give it a try.

Not sure if anyone else has had any problems with their Pioneer z120BT on this forum. Mine was driving me crazy, and here's what I experienced:
will not synch up to my iphone (4) consistently
extremely slow boot up 45-60+ seconds
Pandora App locks up causing iPhone to have to be rebooted disconnected, reattached, nothing.
last straw was the scrolling menu for the iPod is horrible and would not work consistently, some songs and playlists just would not play at all. I could just not get used to it.

The shop tried 2 different headunits, both had similar and different issues. Mostly around Voice Recognition and my iPhone.

I can live without VR, but what was happening was if I hit the command to call someone, it locked the friggin thing up.

The guys at the shop I took the car, suggested I try the Alpine. They allowed me to pull out the Pioneer and replace with the w900BT, at zero cost, they even through in a Back up camera for 100 and a device called a PAC TR-7 that does the bypass stuff.

Although the Alpine does not have the Pandora App, everything else is working correctly. It allows you to connect to any Bluetooth Audio device, so I can stream Pandora that way. It even boots up in less then 10 seconds consistently.

Order is restored.

BTW: I found a lot of the same issues are being experienced by other users here: • View forum - Problems/Troubleshooting

I have owned Alpine HU’s and it blows! It really depends on the model you buy! What model year is the Z120BT??
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