Originally Posted by JerryK
I'm upgrading my stock system with 6.5 components, amp and a subwoofer. I figure 8" is plenty for this car and for my music preference. I wanted to keep the spare tire, so I looked for a sub with minimum box volume requirements. The 8" JL W6 only needs .375 cubic feet, so I fashioned a round box that fits down in the spare tire. It's 15" in diameter by 4.5" or so tall. I used a round tub I found at Lowes for a vessel to set dimensions for the fiberglass sides, the top and bottom are 5/8" MDF. I used epoxy resin with toe thicknesses of mat and cloth. Epoxy resin is expensive, but it's strong and doesn't have that resin smell of the others. The carpet can go over the top, but I may cut it out and put a grill on it. Still working on the rest, hopefully it will be installed in two weeks.

Yes my man, this is what I have been waiting to see for the 370!!!! I need to keep my spare AND trunk space, and have thought from the start that THIS was the solution. Glad to see you took the initiative to do it. I agree with you, an 8" is plenty for this car. I anticipate we will be seeing aftermarket versions of this solution soon, possibly from Zenclosures.