Originally Posted by ROC1ROB
First of all, the avi is not my wife........... hell you guys would always be at my house!!!  Hell I wouldn't leave either.  Thanks for the info. We're looking at the Laveen area or east down to Queen Creek. We'd like a little space between houses but...... Is Luke AFB busy????
My wife is an RN, so we'll probably get something close for her. Most likely she'll get a job in an emergency room, perferably trauma 1.(She hasn't pick one yet) Me, I'm a machinist and don't mind to drive, so it really doesn't matter.
Sorry Intense, I forgot you guys were here too. Does Darrin still work for you? I bought an intake from him for my G. I'm not use to having sponsors any where close to where I live. 
Darren is still with us... in spirit unfortunately as he has passed on...
nah I'm bullsh*ttin ya' He's still here!