i dont mind paying but dont jerk me either. any smart buyer knows invoice is a trumped up number anyway. if you buy invoice they are already making a good profit. anything over invoice is what the salesguy is going to get for selling your car to you. i dont think 2,200 for a salesguy is reasonable. plus all the jerks on trade and financing mark ups get kicked to management like a mafia gift.
it really angers me when people talk bout dealerships need to make money because you have no idea how much they really make. i once worked as a car salesman so dont let other salesguys give you the sob story.
if there are no holdbacks or other dealer incentives going on then a car in the $30k's somewhere around 500 and 1000 over invoice would be warranted depending on car, situation and service. doc fees shouldnt be over $75 and there should be no reason for them to get another 2 or 3 percent added to your interest rate as the enhanced rape rate.
salesguys will come on the forum and talk bout how they have to keep the lights off at the dealership cuz they cant pay the bill. if they dont drop that nonsense on you? they wont have an excuse for taking you well over $3000 of the normal profit margin. when theres dealer incentive, you can see up to 2500 below invoice depending. kickbacks can be large depending on the corporate financial situation.