Saw this in the local news. CNN's story is leaving out some details disclosed by the local reports that just has my blood boiling. The school officials only care about covering their asses. Get this, this kid had been keeping a journal in which (according to his sister) he had documented each time he complained at school, what their response was, etc. They refused to hand the journal over to the kid's mom until 5 hours after the death, and the mom says many pages have been ripped out of the journal. The school board expressed condolences? Please! The school board is trying to cover up its gross negligence and wanton disregard for this child's well-being. Are you guys familiar with the 'pick and bind' technique? That's what some weasel-a$$ school official needs done to him (or her). Like I said, this story makes my blood boil.
"There are no small accidents on this circuit." -- Ayrton Senna
316.8whp & 248 ft/lbs (Dyno Dynamics) | 319whp & 256 ft/lbs (DynoJet) (04/23/10)
Stillen G3 CAI, CBE, Pulley / F.I. LTH / GTSpec Ladder Brace / Setrab Oil Cooler / UpRev-tuned by Forged Perf.