Originally Posted by resopaton
5W30 is typically recommended for drivers who live in colder climates. I believe the magic number is 20 degrees F. So, living in climates that drop below 20 degrees F 5W30 is recommended, in most cases.
Aside from climate, todays engines were built with tighter bearing clearances for better fuel economy, thus using a 5 weight (5W30) is recommended.
Older engines engineered with larger bearing clearances, or vehicles with high miles more than likely will achieve ideal oil pressures running with a 10 weight oil (10W30).
Hope this helps...
both 5w30 oil and 10w30 oil will be a 30 weight viscosity when at high operating temperature. the first number in the designation is the cold temperature viscosity rating...
therefore a 5w30 oil is better for colder climates because it has less viscosity (flows easier) at cold temperatures.