I did a quick search of the thread, but I'm wondering if the stock master cylinder is made out of plastic or some plastic composite material. This is the case on the Evo X, and people seem to blow them out as soon as a stiffer clutch goes in.
If so, this must be a common cost saving item with manufacturers. Metal is clearly better for something like a master cylinder... kind of disappointing for supposedly race-capable sports cars to have weak points like that.

'10 PW 370Z 7AT - wife's car - Project Raspberry Cheesecake
'08 Evo X - built motor+trans | BB-X @ 32 psi | CH3OH | self-built+tuned - ??? WHP
'01 Galant V6 - built motor | GT35R | self-built+tuned - 550+ WHP (retired)