Originally Posted by mrcardio
To legitimately claim to be of a certain ethnicity you should at the very least be familiar with its customs, culture, history, traditions, and be able to speak the native language. In the case of the Philippines that language is Tagalog. If not it’s about as lame as my self trying to claim I’m Irish and German simply because of my blood line. Who you are has a lot more to do with where and how you were raised NOT what country you were born and or who your parents are, etc. Most of you including my self would be more accurately described as: “American of “insert decent" ".
Very deep answer.
Actually there are several languages spoken there, not just Tagalog. Understanding a culture doesn't make you any less of your ethnicity. I'm proud to be American AND Filipino. No one ever said you only had to pick one. Genetically we all decend from a common ancestor anyway, which renderes all classifications of race meaningless.