Originally Posted by SnakeBitten
Maybe if you reread your first foray into this discussion you may see how you came across as chastizing others choices. You defend your right to do what you chose but at the same time you appeared to clown others for doing what they see fit with there car. Nothing personal but just like you I call it how I see it but I really try to be fair and look at both sides of the equation as Im doing now. The internet sometimes doesnt convey how we really feel on a matter and disagreements arise. No hard feelings 
Well, I understand his frustration. This phenomena happens most specifically with the Z community. You have people who are either enthusiasts or those who don't know anything about performance and just add stuff because it makes cool noises or looks pretty. It bothers me a whole lot too, but I have learned that to be tactful about it and try to educate people as to why their way of doing things may not be in their best interest.
The problem is that yes, there are two separate worlds here, but the dynamics of the situation is what angers some of us. Now this is just my opinion and I think I'm entitled to one if you argue someone should be allowed to ruin their own car without getting chastised for it. The enthusiasts modify their cars and make sexy purposeful cars. The pseudo-enthusiast benefit from this because the car gets a good rep and respect from the rest of the car world. The pseudo-enthusiasts then decide to get 21" chrome "rims" with "fat lip" and a mismatched turbo kit that makes the car drive like crap. They get super lowering crap springs and the biggest loudest blow-off valves money can buy. They get super sweet neons and LED's all up in their shiz and get a kickin' stereo setup with enough power to light up Latvia for a week. This douche-baggery makes all Z owners look bad...I dont know about you, but I dont like to look bad.
Just because we want to get along, it doesn't mean we can't call people out on this type of things. I try to be as respectful as possible to everyone and give them the benefit of the doubt that they dont know any better. However, at least where I live (Miami), there are too many blow-out sporting tight-fake-versace-shirt-wearing idiots who think that they look cool with mismatched color body panels. These guys know perfectly well what they are doing, they are the guys with the 22"s and the Injen stickers everywhere. There's unfortunately this entire community of racer wannabes that have grown enough in numbers where they actually have an audience of equally poserish racers. (As faithfully depicted by their favorite movie Fast and the furious")
OK enough ranting. I can understand both sides of the argument here. It just saddens us enthusiasts to see perfectly good cars which have been obviously designed with performance in mind, to be so horrendously ruined. Of course at the end of the day, I am NOBODY to criticize what anyone else does. Although I dont agree with some of the things I see, I can respect it... I'll definitely say something about it, but it's not like Im out to put everyone who doesnt agree with me down. Which is what a lot of people do actually...
You want to put crap on your car, go nuts. If you want to put crap on your car and then you POST about it on a public forum, then by god are you going to get peoples opinion be it good or bad. If you are prepared to get good opinions, be more prepared for people to disagree with you. Specially if you post your craziness on the internet.
Originally Posted by ctzn
I understand, and I certainly I didn't mean to come off that way. No hard feelings. 
Stand up for your opinion. I absolutely agree with you and the way people ruin their cars. If you want to put 22"s on the car, get something that isn't a sports car because you are ruining it. If you don't, then chances are you will hear from someone like me or ctzn who don't think the same way...
Just be sure to maintain respect for people. If everyone though the same thing then these forums would be extremely boring.