I have an 09 BS, and had to get my windshield replaced (vehicle in front of me kicked up a stone and cracked it). Long story short, the installer broke one of the plastic fasteners on the a-pillar covers, on each side of the car. It looked fine, but I made them get me replacement ones. They paid for it, but the installer told me they were about $250 each or so (not sure how accurate that is, but that's what he told me). They came pre-painted and took him about 15 minutes for each side. As an added bonus, I was able to keep the "broken" ones. I've been considering selling them, but I don't know if anyone (you?) would be interested in buying them with a broken plastic tab (you can't see it, and it fastens just fine, but I figured if I could get new free ones I might as well, haha).