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Old 07-11-2010, 08:54 PM   #168 (permalink)
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Hey folks. Sorry for not coming around here in such a long time. I've been preoccupied with school work and getting some cars ready for the summer, as y'all can imagine. I'll answer some of the questions that have been asked since my last visit.

Originally Posted by Sandra Dee View Post
hi! I am a firm believer in asking someone a question who has experience in the field. I just bought the Wolfgang kit from autogeek-have a new 370Zroadster in black cherry. I was going to work on it soon-dealer told me to wax it when ever I wanted-
Any tips? I am going to do the two bucket/sheepskin mitt like you said-microfiber to dry? I am pretty much a novice since someone else usually washed /waxed my 350. Thanks!
I'm sure you've waxed your car already since this question has been asked, but what you'll want to do is wash the car using a two-bucket system and grit guards, sheepskin for the mitts preferably, or microfiber wash pads (not mitts) from Adam's. Since your color is hella-dark, you'll probably want to use a no-touch method to dry the car in order to avoid any kind of fine scratches. Get yourself a $30 leaf-blower from Sears or any retail store, really, and get as much water as you can off of the finish. Afterwards, come around with a quality microfiber and gently blot away any remaining water (don't wipe). Make sure to wipe off the door jams, or you'll get some streaking!

Even if it's brand new, your car may need some paint correction. Search for Junkman2000's videos on YouTube in order to see how you can do it. Has everything from clay-barring, to polishing, to applying a wax.

Originally Posted by Two-Socks View Post
Wow! What a phenominal thread...You guys have no idea what I've been doing to my cars. Thanks for the info. Any product for getting magnesium chloride stains/residue off of polished aluminum rims (ProCOMP)? Mag chloride is what they use on the roads in CO during the winter (instead of salt)
As far as getting stains out of aluminum wheels go, it really depends. If yours is a clear-coated type, any kind of fine polish used on the car's paint will work on the wheels, as long as it has a clear coat. If the finish of your wheel is either polished or machined, you'll need to get products specific to either type of wheel (some do both, but are not as effective). I'm not going to recommend any specific products, as I feel it's up to you to experience new products and determine what YOU like, but I'm currently using a lot of Adam's products and have had awesome results on polished aluminum. Just visit their website and browse around.

Originally Posted by m4a1mustang View Post
Wax melting shouldn't be an issue.
Melting wax is not an issue. But when carnauba wax is exposed to direct sunlight during its curing period, it will tend to yellow, which will causea hazy, yellowish film to appear on your finish.

Originally Posted by CaptainSlow View Post
I'm thinking of going with the Meguiar's NXT wax for my white 370Z. I've seen posts saying it's great for black cars. Is it just as good for the white paint or should I be looking for something else?
NXT is great for any kind of paint. I personally find that it gives a whole new dimension to vibrant colors, such as red, yellow, or even a blue. Black cars find more depth from carnauba-based waxes such as Meguiars' Gold Class. Seeing as your car is white, just make sure that you apply it under an intense halogen lightsource, or you'll miss some spots.
"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his."
-General George S. Patton Jr., 1885-1945
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