Originally Posted by TipsZ
Thanks for the insight Zsteve. I would be interested in knowing the differences between Berks / Stillen / Fast Intensions HFC's. I would like something that will not throw any CELs, yet definitely give some good gains in HP / TQ as well. Mind you, at this point we are talking about just replacing the cats on a stock exhaust at this point.
IMHO the difference in terms of gains between 150/200/300 cells cats is not so big. Naturally 150 is more opened than 300 one. But we are talking about 3/4 hp. Consider that F.I. HFC and their test pipes have a difference in terms of power of 4 hp.
So, for me, the question you have to do yourself is: which kind of sound i'm searching for? Very aggressive but without rasp (F.I. is the solution). With a tuned note (but with a little bit of rasp)? Here go Berk. Extremly near to test pipes with a race taste? 150 cells cats.
In your situation, if you're planning a new exhaust system, then i would go with products (HFC and CBE) made by the same manufacturer.
But remember, in any case, power gains will be very similar.