I just installed mine and noticed a potential issue, though I'm hoping it's minor.
Look at Cab83's 3rd and 4th pictures (and see my pic). The sway bar is just above the lines and is unloaded while on jack stands. When we drop the car to the ground, the ends of the sway bar move up while the middle portion pivots down. This will push down on the lines, depending on your configuration. I'm hoping that loading the suspension in corners or braking doesn't move the sway enough to work the lines loose. The closer you run the lines to the sway hinge, the better off you'll be.
***A huge thanks to Modshack for all of his help with this. Made it a very simple install***
2013 Cadillac V-Wagon, RIP Z
Last edited by spearfish25; 07-10-2010 at 11:15 PM.