Originally Posted by HTP AutoWorks
I honestly would not go with either. Xpel is in pretty bad shape right now... business wise and may not be around in a few years.
Honestly people keep talking about using a film that matches the paints finish. Where did this bad information come from??? What kind of sense does it make to put a film with more orange peel on it than another because it matches tha paints finish? You should use the cleanest smoothest film you can get... period. A perfectly smooth film wil blend with any paints finish... more orange peel with cause the area to look even worse. VentureShield Ultra and ClearMask AR are two of the best out there and have no orange peel. Xpel is ok but if the company is out of business in a year, who is going to warranty it??? 
Where do you get your information on Xpel's financial or business situation? You are mistaken, the acquired a new CEO last year and things are going fine for the company.
On another note, VentureShield does make a good filme and it has less orange peel than the Xpel standard film. That being said, it doesn't hold up nearly as well as either of Xpel's film. Having used all three films, the Xpel premium film is by far the best film out there. The only difference between the Xpel premium and standard is a the orange peel as they are constructed the same way; assembly methods differ so there is less orange peel.
As far as picking a film for a particular color, color does matter. The orange peel shows up more on darker colors. For light colors you can get away with standard films; on darker colors, the premium film from Xpel looks best and better than VentureShield.