Originally Posted by wstar
Armed citizens reduce crime, the statistics are clear.
First off more half of my state is liberal, we have concealed weapon permits here, I have my own guns that are registered and I have absolutely no reason to uses them other than to go out and have fun shooting a a stump or set of targets.
Please don't lump Oregon in to the places you claim are so different then Canada. Canadians are not a different species from a strange planet. Have you been there? I have many times both, East coast, West coast, and in the middle. Also lots of people in Canada own guns. I support the NRA and the right to bear arms but out of control, rampant violence does not exist in my state or for that matter any state (at least that I'm aware of).
Making comments like that give people from other countries the opinion that we are ALL gun toting rednecks. Most U.S. gun owners are responsible people who aren't running around afraid of the government and crazy criminals.
The violence in our country is in no way to a point, nor has it been, where we all need guns to fight off the hordes of criminals.
Secondly where are you getting your statistics for violence reducing when more people have guns?
BTW A statistical analysis of statistical analysis said that 70% of statistics are always wrong. Wrap your brain around that. lol. Most statistical evidence is swayed or improperly recorded when doing studies. Think I'm wrong ask a sociologist.