Bottom line is the Z is a horrible idea for you right now. Even if you could afford the monthly payments, you really can't afford the car. Not to mention it will be virtually impossible for you to get credit at a decent rate. If you can get financed, I'd be willing to bet it's at a rate higher than 13%.
Since you will need a car of your own I'd go on Autotrader and do a local search... see what's selling for under $5k and you'll find plenty of reliable, practical rides that will get you through college.
Like I said, once you're out of school and working with a stable and predictible income, then you can evaluate your finances and decide if you're ready to spend $30k or more on a car. You're not doing yourself any favors trying to get into a Z right now... you just aren't in the right financial position.
- Steve
Zs & Coffee - Saturdays at 10AM in Fairfax, VA and Columbia, MD (Click the banner!)
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