Originally Posted by LinPark
You might as well include white and black in that line up since technically everything from white to black covers the entire "colorless" palette. So, assuming this new gunmetal replaces the dark cherry, that means you'll have 7 choices for exterior: 1 is red, 1 is blue, and the other 5 are some combination of white and black with sparkles. Granted the Maxima has 5 white/black shades but at least it has 4 other colors to choose from. Come on Nissan, give the Z enthusiasts something to be happy about.
I agree, Nissans love affair with Silvers/Grays started in 03 with the Max. They offered 4 different shades and have pretty much continued that trend here and there on the Z and Max since.
I wish they had kept Chicane Yellow which is fitting for a Sports car!