Originally Posted by juan05
this damn unions are fuc*in this country up..i mean ill understand if the actually build the car to last better quality..but nooo. my friend has a 95 camry 250 k miles on it and still runs thats crazy lol not in the best conditon but you get my point...
I think you're missing my point. The quality of American cars is on par if not better than imports. The point I am trying to make is: If you have two companies that are competing, Company "A", and company "B". Company "A" is paying a person to do a job @ $14.00 an hour, and company "B" is paying a person @ $35.00 an hour to do the EXACT same job. Company "B" is not able to compete in the market.
Hence GM's problem in the market. GM is not able to compete because of the labor unions, not because of the quality of car. They do not have the same profit margins as their competitors
This why I do not understand why we are bailing GM out. We are going to purchase est. 20,000 cars from GM (due to bailout). But because the government still sides with the unions, whose expectations are outrageous this day in age, GM will still be in a slump later down the line .Our government is our own worst enemy sometimes