Originally Posted by theDreamer
One major problem, the battery.
If you want to be environmental nut that is fine, but if you for one second think the current batteries are "efficient" you are mistaken. It takes way to much power to produce batteries still and we are only up to around 80%(ish) of being able to reuse them fully.
do we honestly CARE if the battery improving our engine is eco or anything.
I just care about it improving the torque.
Originally Posted by zzz370zzz
I had 2007 honda civic hybrid and i sold it because it was time to change the battery and it cost $3000 for just the battery. I don't know if other companies hybrid's battery cost that much or not but i won't buy hybrid again.
well I am pretty sure its cheaper now I mean it has been 3 years and 3 years is alot of development time