Originally Posted by IWuv370z
Currently its a piece of crap 1999 honda civic... Been trying to sell it, and still no one has come to even look at the car.
Keep it and put good all season or snow tyres on it.
Having a 370Z as your only car is going to be tough when Ontario winter arrives.
Originally Posted by 370Zsteve
If you gotta ask you can't afford it. Car Payment Hell awaits you, and the pretty ladies you hoped to attract with this sexy car will spurn you when they realize you have no spare cash.
Based on some of your previous posts and pics of things you like, you're gonna need extra cash for mods and maintenance. Heck, I've spent approximately $2700 on mods since I bought the car 3 months ago. Expect as set of tyres to cost around $1000+ plus mounting and balancing when it comes time to replace them.
In addition to the monthly payment and insurance, it costs me around $175-200 a month for premium gas to drive my Z, and I have satellite radio and traffic updates for about $15 a month.
I found myself asking a similar question when I was considering a Porsche Cayman S. My wife and I are super dinks living in an area with a very low cost of living, but at the end of the day, the Z made much more sense because it kept all the numbers in the "comfortable" range, leaving extra play money for the other things in life we enjoy when we're not driving our cars.
Consider that when you're deciding on whether or not to commit a large percentage of your income to a car.
USD used in figures above)