Charles over at Powertrix Suspension mentioned this to me.
The next meet at Miramar Speed circuit is on Wed July 14th for the Z32 Club. It starts around 6:30 and for the first hour or so we hang outside and check out cars and then go inside with where we have a conference room and over head projector to share on line stuff. then we race the karts against each other.
Let me know if anyone would be interested in coming so I can get a list of guys together to email Charles so we can get an idea of how many are coming. We already have 3 Z34s in our group including Charles and Mine (Depending if my car gets back in time

Looking forward to meeting all the Z34 guys here in San Diego. Here is a list of the planned club events.
July 17th – Annual Casino Run Car Cruise
July 28th thru August 1st - Zcon in Nashville, TN
August 15th – 2nd Annual Cannonball Rally
September 12th – 6th Annual Japanese Classic Car Show
Japanese Classic Car Show / JCCS 2010
September 18th – Annual Club Beach Party
September 26th – Coronado Speed Festival
October 9th - Formula Drift Title Fight at Irwindale (House of Drift)
November 13th – Empire Z 4th Annual Car Show
December 8th – Year End SDZ32 Club Meeting
2010 Club Meeting Dates:
July 14th
August 11th
September 8th
October 13th
November 10th
December 8th
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