Originally Posted by 1slow370
if only there were a way to put a ceramic insulator between the wheel and the rotor and some insulating washers on the mag nuts(have to insulate the side of the nut somehow as well)then just run some extremely high voltage capicitors to each wheel with enough a charge to run through the would be thiefs heart out his knee when he kneels down and puts the wrench on the wheel, 1.5 amps should be just enough to kill his ***, then you just need enough a voltage to span the gap his clothes would make and to interupt his heart beat. maybe mist salt water on the ground around the car and have a wire hang down in the center to create a full dc circuit with a spare battery in the trunk to same effect only with a longer sizzle when his muscle clamp up on the wrench.
or if you know where he lives burn his to the ground while he's asleep, or on the legal side get PI to trace back the cell number snoop around a little take some photos of dude in the act, and turn him in. sure you'd be out a few thousand to have a full time tail on the guy for a couple weeks but you'd have him.
Oh and on a side note just Piss you off I've had my car in the air wheels on on jackstands 6" off the ground for the last week in my driveway (yes 19" rays) and the only thing that has happened was that the neighbor kid asked me if he could check out my car (he's 12 so no worries there). I don't want to say it but i kinda hope someone steals my wheels so i can get a freakin set of volks(not the reason it's in the air though mother f***ing oil cooler failure facked my engine)
Or you could install a tripwire connected to taser with pressure switch behind rim.