Originally Posted by SoCal 370Z
WHAT no Kodak moments!? I am getting ready to do this too, and you couldn't throw me a bone? 
Sorry, I didn't think it was all that exciting visually. Plus I had nitrile gloves on with fluid all over them. I do need to make you aware that you will need a special tool to get the fluid back in. The fill plugs are on the side, and you can't just pour the fluid back in. I used this tool that looks kinda like a caulking gun with a flexible tube on the end. You fill up the gun with the fluid and insert the tube into the fill hole, then push the fluid in. Do you know which tool I'm talking about? If not, let me know and I'll see if I can find it on the net somewhere. It's a tedious process, as you can only fill this tool up with a 1/2 qt at at time.